Family, Personal, Photography

Carson 4-year Portrait

Copyright © 2012 Steven Diver, All Rights Reserved.
Carson, 4-year Portrait I

While shooting our family Christmas card photo, I also took some time to shoot portraits of the kiddos. In a somewhat odd twist, this was really my first concerted effort to shoot portraits of my own kids. I’ve done this for other people, families, and friend’s kids…so a little odd that it’s the first time I’ve really done it for my own kids. Anyway, first up is Carson…I’ll get to Olivia in another post.

Being the older brother, he is far easier to photograph…you can tell him what to do, where to stand, how to stand, and when to smile. He usually listens too. Usually. The problem lately has been getting him to smile in a way that doesn’t look goofy. He is going through that phase, that I think every kid goes through, where when asked to smile, he tries to give you a big toothy grin, but it looks more like he is grimacing in pain instead. So after shooting a few throw-away photos trying to get him to relax, and smile naturally, he got the hang of it. At that point, I was able to quickly shoot some really nice portraits of him.

The gallery above shows my three favorite portraits I snapped of him that day…I really cannot decide which one I like best. Each one shows off his personality pretty well though, and I am quite happy with each of them.